Create A Fundraiser

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Your gift goes straight to work helping hundreds of students at CT State Manchester. Every gift makes a difference! You can provide sustaining support by choosing to make a monthly recurring gift.


The Cougar Pantry exists so students won't go to school hungry, go home hungry, or have hungry family members. Food insecurity can derail a student's dreams. You can help.


Your gift goes straight to work helping hundreds of students at CT State Manchester. Every gift makes a difference! You can provide sustaining support by choosing to make a monthly recurring gift.

Manchester Moves

Fueling Futures Together!

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Accepts letters, numbers, periods, dashes and quotes
Minimum 600x400

Together, we're changing lives.

We're so glad you're here to join the effort to support Manchester students!

Whether you want to collect funds in honor of someone special, fundraise for a specific program, or invite others to celebrate your birthday by providing support, just set up your page and share the link with your network!


  • Adding a picture that includes you helps inspire your network to support you!
  • Raising a minimum of $250 offers you the opportunity to create a one-time named scholarship.

Questions? Contact TJ Arnold at 860-512-2924 or [email protected]